Monday, June 9, 2008

Where in the world is Ghana?

Most geographers agree that Ghana is located right here:

I'll be taking a direct flight from JFK Airport in New York to Accra, the capital city of Ghana (no slouch - 2 to 3 million people), which is where my host family lives. I have two host brothers and two host sisters... including one set of twins (if I read the birth dates correctly)!

A large part of my time spent here will be at a local orphanage helping with various things (I think it's roughly something like 9-4 every weekday). The rest of the time I get to see the city the way a local would - that's the theory anyway. The Ghanaians go to church every Sunday, and this church is not for slackers. Apparently it lasts something like three or four hours, and it is all in the Twi language (the official language however, is English).

My communication with the United States will be through the internet (who wants to pay those ridiculous phone bills) at an internet cafe. It won't be every day and my time will probably be limited, so I thought the best way to share my experiences with friends and family would be through this blog. I'll try to update at least once a week and hopefully include a few pictures if I can.

I've been doing a TON of reading about my beautiful host country and I have concluded that if you want to get the basic jist of things, the Wikipedia articles will do you just fine:

As for the rest... I'll find out as I go!


Anonymous said...

wow shannon you seem really excited about your trip! well have fun

AuntLori said...

This will be a wonderful experience for you Shannon! I can't wait to read your updates and see pictures. Have fun and BE SAFE!

Cebron James: said...

I still think you should have gone with

but whatever.

Have a kickass time

michelle said...

first you donate 50 cents to save my life (dehydration is very serious and not a joking matter) and now you go to Africa to help orphans?! you are awesome! iloveit.

i wish you the best :)!

Tammy Jo said...
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Tammy Jo said...

I'm excited to live vicariously through you on this trip!! Have loads of fun. Tammy

Anonymous said...

I am so excited slash jealous that you get to go to Ghana! And working in an orphanage? Amazing. Have a great time. Can't wait to hear all about it. --Mandie

Anonymous said...

Shannon, this is awesome. You are going to have an amazing time. Experience everything you can, while you can.

On a related note, I (unwittingly) sat in the front row for an Ethiopian coffee ceremony last night. Really interesting/entertaining.. but the dancers' leaping nearly jolted me out of my chair about 10 times.. and I kept getting sprayed with sweat.

Then, an old lady started doing a seductive belly-dance for Stacy. I have one word for that: Rad.

So, have fun, and if you see anyone roasting coffee, bust out your raincoat... just in case...

Shannon said...

Hi everyone, thank you so much for the support! I'm starting to get pretty nervous/excited and it really makes me feel good that you guys are all looking out for me. Best wishes and talk to you all soon!

Unknown said...

Shannon!! This is so totally awesome! Take lots of pictures (if possible...I don't want the Ghanaian government to go after you or anything) and keep blogging (please). :) I miss you already.

Carar said...

this has got to be one of the coolest trips ever. i know you have to be having a great time now.
plus, i definetly just gave 10 cups of water for knowing where Accra is!(Thank you Ghana map!)

Andy Hill said...

You setup with your host family yet? We're excited to hear how your trip is going. Blog when you can.

arlene cossette said...

Hi. hope you are having fun and working hard see you when you get back

Unknown said...

Wow.....what a great place to travel.......... In my upcoming vacations....I will definitely travel to Accra by purchasing tickets from Cheap Flights to Accra .......