I'll be taking a direct flight from JFK Airport in New York to Accra, the capital city of Ghana (no slouch - 2 to 3 million people), which is where my host family lives. I have two host brothers and two host sisters... including one set of twins (if I read the birth dates correctly)!
A large part of my time spent here will be at a local orphanage helping with various things (I think it's roughly something like 9-4 every weekday). The rest of the time I get to see the city the way a local would - that's the theory anyway. The Ghanaians go to church every Sunday, and this church is not for slackers. Apparently it lasts something like three or four hours, and it is all in the Twi language (the official language however, is English).
My communication with the United States will be through the internet (who wants to pay those ridiculous phone bills) at an internet cafe. It won't be every day and my time will probably be limited, so I thought the best way to share my experiences with friends and family would be through this blog. I'll try to update at least once a week and hopefully include a few pictures if I can.
I've been doing a TON of reading about my beautiful host country and I have concluded that if you want to get the basic jist of things, the Wikipedia articles will do you just fine:
As for the rest... I'll find out as I go!